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Christmas came ... But, unfortunately, the magical power of this wonderful holiday is not able to melt the ice in the hearts of some absolutely callous and smug personalities. Among such incorrigible types include the hero of this picture - the magnate Frank Cross. He is rich, omnipotent and absolutely indifferent to everything except his own money. Cross is the owner of his own television channel, a ruthless and cold -blooded businessman, with a very cruel sense of humor. In general, Frank is one of those guys who can easily ruin a wonderful holiday to you. Such people, of course, need to be educated, and the faster, the better. For the sake of this case, supernatural forces are included in the game. On Christmas night, Frank be re -educated, specially selected creatures for this. Namely: the ghost of the past is a cheerful taxi driver from hell. The ghost of the present is a modern, perky fairy without complexes, using hand -to -hand combat methods and a terrible, laconic messenger of the future, with a skull, instead of a face ...