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Battle angel
The plot unfolds on planet Earth about the XXVI century according to our calculus. Under the celestial city, Salem is the `lower city`, the city-svalka, where the scum of society live. Most of the population are cyborgs and punks, who are often both both. There is no power structures in the lower city, and public order is established by announcing a award for the head of the criminal. Awards are assigned by robots officially representing the heavenly city. The lower city, in which any air transport is prohibited, and all aircraft are simply lost, is located around the garbage dump, where waste of the celestial city is dumped. Along the perimeter of the lower city, there are many garbage processing factories that supply recyclable to the heavenly city and are the basis of the economy of the `lower`, there are farms, a source of food products outside the city. Many dream of moving to live in a heavenly city, Salem, and are ready for this for any crimes. Some of the criminals are engaged in the fact that they disassemble the spare parts of lonely passers -by. Once, together with garbage, the remains of cyborg-ginoid are dumped into the lower city. Cyborg finds and represents Dr. Ido, but, as it turns out after the repair, the girl does not remember anything. Ido calls her `Gali`, like her dead cat. From the previous body of Gali, only the head and the upper part of the body were preserved, but the doctor finds the missing details and puts cyborg in order. Gali discovers that he