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Kitchen Stories
Salmer fra kjokkenet
In the post -war period, house and household experts found that the right organization of the workplace in the kitchen using the principles of the factory conveyor can bring huge financial benefits to the household. Or, as was formulated in the Swedish advertising of a new ideal kitchen: instead of passing the distance from Sweden to the Congo for the year of cooking, the housewife will now need to get to Northern Italy to put lunch on the table. After the Swedish scientists from the Institute of Research of the House compiled a detailed map of the movements of the Swedish housewife in the kitchen and thoroughly studied its behavior, they felt that they were ready to overcome the geographical and based on the sexual characteristics of the restrictions. In the early 1950s, they sent 18 observers to the village of Norway Landstad, where there was an excess of bachelors to explore how unmarried men behave in the kitchen.