13 +
A Man who was Superman
Shupeomaenyieotdeon sanai
drama, comedy
Korea South
Jung Young-Chol
102 min.
Hwan John-Min, Jung Ji-Kyong, Pan Gil Son, Chohwo U-Khek, Chin Ji-Hi, Kim Gi-Sok, with Yon-Chu, Song Wu-Son, Kim Boon, Lee San-Ep
Sleep Su-John works as a producer in a television company. Her specialization is interesting human stories. But for three years of work, she is tired of false tears and emotions. She is tired of people. And he tells his boss that he is leaving for Africa to remove wild animals. But suddenly she meets a guy who claims that he is Superman from the planet Crypton. He devoted his life to help people. Sujon forgets about Africa, it is intrigued by the sincerity and naivety of this person and decides to make a report about him.