12 +
Fan-Fan the Tulip
Fanfan la Tulipe
melodrama, comedy, adventure
Italy, France
102 min.
Gerard Philip, Gina Lollubrid, Marseille Erran, Olivier Yussino, Henri Rollan, Genevieve Page, Jean-Mark Tenberg, Nerio Bernardi, Silvi Pelao, Lolita de Silva
The young handsome Fanfan is going into the army to avoid violent marriage and to predict a gypsy, which came to him the glory of the warrior and the bride of royal blood. In fact, a charming predictor is the daughter of an officer who recruits peasants into the army. Upon learning of this cunning, Fanfan does not depart from his dreams and, full of hope for the execution of the pike-tsigani predictions, stands under the royal banner ...