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Imagine a girl who has a sticker with an exclamation mark, a teapot and a strange appearance of shoes with the signature `Respect me` on the back glass of the car. Now imagine this girl behind the wheel of a giant American bus rushing around the city at a huge speed of rush hour. It looks pretty funny if you don’t know that the bus is mined and may explode if the speedometer arrow drops below fifty miles per hour. Passengers in a panic, events unfold at a frantic speed, and there is less and less time before the explosion. In the search for a mysterious terrorist who has already proved the seriousness of his intentions, exploding the elevators overwhelmed by people, elite police units have been abandoned. But time goes on, but it is not possible to go on the trail of the criminal. In confrontation with the terrorist, the best fighter of special forces Jack Traven enters. Now, on whether he can correctly dispose of the remaining seconds, the lives of dozens of people can depend.