18 +
Breaking the Waves
Breaking the Waves
drama, melodrama
Denmark, Sweden, France
Lars von Trier
153 min.
Emily Watson, Stellan Skarsgard, Katherine Cartlidge, Jean-Marc Barr, Edrian Rowolins, Jonathan Hamette, Sandra VOU, Ur Cyrus, Mikkel Gaup, R?f Ragas
God gives everyone something to make him better. A young girl from a remote community in the north-west of Scotland fell in love with a good guy-Yana, who was working on a drilling installation in the sea. Despite the confrontation of relatives, they get married. Bess asks God that Jan is always next to her, and Jan returns to her crippled after an accident on the drill. What can a young woman do so that her beloved will survive? What sacrifice can you take?