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The Iron Giant
The Iron Giant
cartoon, science fiction, action movie
Brad Bird
86 min.
Eli Mariental, Vin Diesel, Jennifer Eniston, Harry Cavalry jr., James Gammon, Cloris Lichman, Christopher McDonald, John Mahoni, M. Emmett Walsh, Jack Enjel
Residents of a quiet American province are witnessing a dazzling outbreak and falling a huge flying object. A few days later, a little boy named Hogart Hughes finds in the vicinity of a giant robot, who flew to the ground from a distant space galaxy. Despite his formidable appearance, an alien guest turns out to be the kindest creation. Between him and a brave boy, real friendship is tied. But the government and the military learned about the existence of the robot decided to destroy the alien. Hogart is the only one who can save a steel giant ...