12 +
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
drama, biography
China, USA
Mariel Heller
108 min.
Tom Hanks (Fred Rogers), Christine Lati (Ellen), Wandy Mckeny (Dorothy), Matthew Riz (Lloyd Vogel), Susan Kelechi Wottson, Enriko Kolantoni, Chris Cooper (Jerry Vogel), Temmy Blancard (Lorraine), Maddy Corman, Bekki Watson, Noah Harpster, Marianne Rogers, Crystal Lonneberg, Kevin L. Johnson, Carmen Cusack (Marmen )
The story of a real and unusual friendship between the good -natured leading Fred Rogers and the burned journalist Tom Junod. Junod reluctantly agreed to write an article about the famous TV presenter, whom he considers too tender and soft. But Rogers’s tireless optimism gradually change the life and views of the harsh reporter.