13 +
Happy as Lazzaro
Lazzaro felice
fantasy, drama
Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany
Alice Rorvacher
128 min.
Adriano Tardiolo (Lazzaro), Antonia Bambina, Alba Rorvacher (Antonia), Luca Chikovani (Tancredi Giovane), Tancredi Rano (Tancredi Adulto), Sergi Lopez (Ultimo), Natalino Balasso (Nicola), Carlo Tarmati (Carletto) , Pasqualina Scuncia (Suora), ????????? ?????? (Marchesa Alfonsina De Luna), Edoardo Montalto (Pippo bambino), Carlo Massimino (Pippo adulto), ????????? ??????? (Stefania bambina), Gala Othero Winter (Stefania adulta), Giulia Caccavello (Teresa giovane )
In the tiny Italian village of Inviolat, time stopped in the literal sense of the word. Locals belong to the fabulous Marquise de Luna, who mercilessly uses their work. Everything changes to one of the visits of the family of cartridges to Inviolat. The young aristocratic tanking makes friendship with Lazar - a beautiful and simple -minded village young man. The fantastic conflicts of their relations will completely destroy the usual life of the village inhabitants and will lead to the almost biblical apocalypse of their little world.