16 +
The Ledge
The Ledge
thriller, drama, melodrama
USA, Germany, Saudi Arabia
Matthew Chapman
101 min.
Charlie Hannem, Liv Tyler, Patrick Wilson, Terrens Hovard, Christopher Gora, Mike Pneumo, Gillian Baserson, Jacqueline Fleming, Maxine Greco, Dean West
We have a jump! `. How many times did the police officer Hollis R gietti hear this phrase. Once again, he must persuade a person standing on the cornice of the roof, to abandon the jump. And all this is not on the easiest day for himself. Time goes on, and Hollis begins to understand that everything goes wrong as usual in such cases. Within an hour, he learns not only about the incredible love of love and passion of Shana and Gavin, but also the price that everyone will have to pay.