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Margin Call
Margin Call
September 2008. The global economic crisis has already begun, but America does not yet know what disaster is waiting ahead, and only a group of top managers on Wall Street is looking for a recipe for salvation. These were the worst clock in their life ... An employee of one of the largest investment banks using the latest market analysis program receives a stunning forecast - the shares will fall, the market will collapse, the bank will lose everything. In the morning of the next day, he falls under the reduction and before leaving passes a flash drive with dangerous information to his former assistant. By evening, the best analysts of the bank, having checked these calculations, realized the terrible perspective: the collapse is inevitable. Now they are faced with a choice: to start urgent resetting of shares, which will leave large shareholders around the world and millions of ordinary depositors with nothing - or wait for the development of events, which is fraught with loss of everything in general. You need to decide here and now. At stake - a lot of money and the future of everyone. Risk has no limit that night ...