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Based on the novel by Virginia Wolf, the film begins in London of the 17th century. Orlando is an aristocrat young man, hermaphrodite in fashion of that time and seriously configured to turn life, which he knows so little about, into art, which he knows even less. Orlando attracts the attention of the aging Queen Elizabeth I, and Her Majesty orders him not to grow up and not get old. Orlando obeys, inexplicably remaining a pink -cheeked handsome man, despite the fact that centuries have passed. The romantic to the brain of the bones, Orlando painfully suffers from unrequited love for the charming Russian princess Sasha. When he finds her false, he begs for a long time the post of Ambassador of England in Arabia. One fine day, Orlando falls asleep with a deep sleep, and when he wakes up, he discovers in himself a miraculously occurred change in the floor. The adventures of Orlando continue, and she escorts centuries in entertainment, refusing to behave differently, since now he is a woman.