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When the Wind Blows
When the Wind Blows
Jim Bloggs and his wife Hilda are an elderly couple leading a quiet life in a secluded rural house. While his wife is completely absorbed in the household chores, the husband tries to monitor what is happening in the world. He is worried about the tense international situation, which from day to day can turn into a nuclear war with the USSR. Partly from naivety, partly from faith to their country and the government, the spouses are convinced that they will safely survive the war, just as they survived once, when there were still children, German bombing. And then a voice on the radio reports that Soviet missiles are released and will hit the target after three minutes. After the nuclear explosion, the couple try to continue their usual life, hoping that the war is won and soon the authorities will send help. Not realizing that they are subjected to radioactive infection, bloggs feel that their condition is rapidly worsening, and in the end they lie down in their shelter and try to pray ...