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The Normal Heart
The Normal Heart
In the summer of 1981, a New York writer of non-traditional sexual orientation named Weeks became a witness to strange and tragic events. During a visit to a friend who decided to celebrate his birthday in a beach house in a large company of friends, Ned first notices that a friend is sick and then witness his unexpected death. Visiting the doctor and making sure that he was healthy, nevertheless, he learned about the existence of a strange illness, which, apparently, is only a home-like male. Together with Dr. Emma Brookner, to whom he went to the examination, Ned returned to his friends to warn them about a strange unknown illness and prevent new deaths. Having only the minimum of information, Dr. Brookner made a number of assumptions and began to study the disease, while friends and beloved continued to die around Neka. It was the week that was one of the first to try to raise the problem of AIDS and make it widely known.