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Remember the Titans
Remember the Titans
At the sight of these mighty stately guys, girls faint, and their gentlemen shed their beer with envy. These are players in one of the most tough and dynamic sports games in the world - American football. For them there is no greater joy in life, except with the victorious roar "Tachdown!" To imprint the ball into the opponent’s test area, leaving behind a picturesque composition of enemy defenders knocked down. Victory! But few people know how difficult their path to fame is. The hero of this film, coach German Boon - of those who know. He came to the school team "Titans" when she did not deserve its name at all. Overcoming the resistance of the local coach Bill Yosta, Bun begins to turn the lobotyas gang into a friendly team. And the outsiders of the Titans are gradually becoming confident formidable players who are ready to fight for the title of champions of the state ...