16 +
My love I swear this on you
Sanam Teri Kasam
Sarasvati is a simple girl working in the library. About people like her, only one thing is said: a bookworm, a nondescript simpleton, which is far from the ideal of beauty. It is this simplicity that prevents Sarasvati from getting married and finally leave the house. Parents cling to any opportunity about proposals for marriage, but refusals from potential grooms follow one after another. The younger sister Cauchea quietly hates Sarasvati for the fact that through her fault she cannot first marry her lover and move to the United States. Tired of reproaches from his parents, sisters and colleagues, Sarasvati finally decides to take his fate into their own hands. She asks for help from her neighbor Indra, who, from the moment of his settlement into the house, tried to avoid her in every way. After the long persuasion of the girl, the invest still agrees to help Sarasvati with the transformation and find her female happiness in the person of her colleague Abhiman, in whom she is secretly and for a long time in love ...