12 +
Howl`s Moving Castle
Hauru no ugoku shiro
anime, cartoon, science fiction
Hayao Miyazaki
119 min.
TIEKO BAISEE, Takuya Kimura, Akihiro Miva, Tatsuya Gasyuin, Runosuke Kamiki, Mitsunori Isaki, Yo Oizumi, Akio Otsuka, Dazhiro Harada, Haruo Kato
An evil witch imprisoned the 18-year-old Sophie in the body of the old woman. In search of someone who will help her return to her appearance, Sophie meets the powerful wizard Haul and his demon Calcifer. Calcifer should serve as a Haul under a contract whose conditions he cannot disclose. The girl and the demon decide to help each other get rid of evil spells ...