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Cobb is a talented thief, the best of the best in the dangerous art of extracting: he steals valuable secrets from the depths of the subconscious during sleep, when the human mind is most vulnerable. Cobba`s rare abilities made him a valuable player in the usual world of industrial espionage, but they turned him into a eternal fugitive and deprived of everything he had ever loved. And now Kobb has a chance to correct errors. His last business can return everything back, but for this he needs to do the impossible - initiation. Instead of the perfect theft of the Cobb and his team of specialists will have to crank the opposite. Now their task is not to steal the idea, but to introduce it. If they succeed, this will become an ideal crime. But no planning or skill can prepare a team for a meeting with a dangerous adversary, who seems to predict each of their move. The enemy, which could only be seen by Cobb.