16 +
Fatal Attraction
Fatal Attraction
The life of Dan Gallager’s lawyer with a young wife Bat and five -year -old daughter Ellen was carefree and happy until the fatal day when Bat and Ellen went out of town to his parents, and Dan had two days of “freedom” from family ties. Feeling a fleeting attraction to Alex Forrest, a new employee of the company he served, he was flattered by the lady and spent several hours of love with her, first in his house, and then in the apartment of her mistress. By the end of the second day, Dan wanted to safely return to his family hearth, but it turned out that now he was clamped by a dead grip of a real love maniac. She began by cutting her veins, and Dan had covered with panic, she had to bandage her hands and console her. When Dan still managed to escape from Alex to his home, his life turned into a real nightmare ...