18 +
On Christmas, December 25, 1960, Zakhari Brae, the fourth child in a family consisting of five boys and their parents, was born. An ordinary family: a loving mother and father, rude, full of pride in her sons. The beginning of the wonderful childhood of ZAM, when Christmas and birthday are celebrated on one day, invariably accompanied by solo of senior linen, sings to the fierce chanson Charles Aznavour, joint trips with his father to his favorite dinet. But this did not last long. The complex transformations of the personality, during which the little boy grows up, changing both externally and internally, meet the rejection and rejection of his father. Family life is filled with unusual and extraordinary events. There will be fraternal skirmishes to the music of Rolling Stones, the first sex to the sounds of Pink Floyd, reckless races on a motorcycle, pampering with marijuana, searching for mutual understanding with his father and flight to Jerusalem, hoping to find oneself.